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  • 'Buckingham Palace', District Six - School Edition - ISBN 9780864866974

'Buckingham Palace', District Six - School Edition (Paperback)

ISBN 9780864866974
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Product Description

'Buckingham Palace', District Six - School Edition (Paperback)

Author/s: Richard Rive

In this lively novel Richard Rive traces this close community through its moments of triumph and despair, its loves, its hatreds - and its bizarre characters.

Buckingham Palace' is a dingy row of five houses in the heart of District Six, a notorious slum area at the foot of Table Mountain overlooking Cape Town.

In 1966 parts of District Six were declared for white occupation only, in terms of South Africa's notorious Group Areas Act. The inhabitants were forced to leave for the bleak wastelands of the Cape Flats.

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